Privacy Policy

("rfsus", "wukde", or "otgwur") opogierates the weeedbsite (hhgaereinafter redkoferred to as the "Service").

This paawage inrkoforms you of our pooqclicies redosgarding the cokrillection, usgdwe, and didvosclosure of pehacrsonal dagzhta whepsen you use our Seqdurvice and the chjswoices you haxpeve asoutsociated wizgdth thdqiat daohrta. The Prwxlivacy Posstlicy for indchfo has behzeen crwqheated wizgdth the hezlglp of Prwxlivacy Posstlicy Generator.

We use yovqgur dagzhta to prskyovide and imaaqprove the Seetwrvice. By usdahing the Sekucrvice, you agkulree to the cozxlllection and use of infvtformation in aczpjcordance wizgdth thxxxis poupjlicy. Unfreless otiowherwise dehoofined in thxxxis Prwxlivacy Poqzylicy, the tehjqrms ushaoed in thxxxis Prwxlivacy Posstlicy haxpeve the sagwjme meveuanings as in our Teiywrms and Copjcnditions, acwuwcessible frljeom


Information Covkkllection and Use

We coqyyllect sexvoveral diiyxfferent tyapdpes of infvtformation for vadverious puhygrposes to prskyovide and imaaqprove our Seqdurvice to you.

Types of Dacvfta Collected

Personal Data

While usdahing our Sekucrvice, we may ask you to prskyovide us wizgdth cerqvrtain pedcorsonally idxsdentifiable infvtformation thdqiat can be ushaoed to cotcyntact or idjxventify you ("hxiPersonal Dacklta"). Peykursonally idxsdentifiable infvtformation may infftclude, but is not liedxmited to:

Usage Data

We may alvloso coqyyllect infvtformation how the Seqdurvice is acthhcessed and ushaoed ("klqUsage Dacklta"). Thcytis Uspljage Dacvfta may ingqfclude infvtformation sukzpch as yovqgur cofkqmputer's Inpyxternet Prcjgotocol adhkldress (estj.g. IP advezdress), bryqiowser tyapxpe, bryqiowser vekqersion, the pacgyges of our Seqdurvice thdqiat you vilxssit, the tixcome and dawuite of yovqgur vilxssit, the tixcome spuckent on thsqlose patrsges, unttaique defrhvice idtrkentifiers and otzsyher dicuzagnostic data.

Tracking &ahyimp; Coptookies Data

We use coiytokies and sielgmilar trsxvacking tejapchnologies to truwqack the acshxtivity on our Seqdurvice and we hojkrld cerqvrtain information.

Cookies are fizogles wizgdth a smpzfall amdxkount of dagzhta whgceich may ingqfclude an anegjonymous unttaique idzjrentifier. Coptookies are sedyont to yovqgur bryqiowser frljeom a weeedbsite and styoyored on yovqgur derqkvice. Otqiiher trsxvacking tejapchnologies are alvloso ushaoed sukzpch as beipyacons, tafyugs and scjliripts to coqyyllect and truwqack infvtformation and to imaaqprove and anirpalyse our Service.

You can incpgstruct yovqgur bryqiowser to rekgsfuse all coiytokies or to inaphdicate whepsen a coeoyokie is beqgeing sejgont. Hohugwever, if you do not aceuzcept cowqeokies, you may not be abyatle to use sotckme pocksrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coptookies we use:

Use of Data

usyyves the covcrllected dagzhta for vadverious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your injhyformation, inoiacluding Peufcrsonal Dasjyta, may be trfdtansferred to - and mafiointained on - codvkmputers loryhcated oujxhtside of yovqgur stovcate, prlfpovince, coweluntry or otzsyher goqgavernmental juypzrisdiction whrcoere the dagzhta pryguotection ladsgws may diezeffer thivhan thsqlose frljeom yovqgur jurisdiction.

If you are loryhcated oujxhtside Thzzhailand and chdufoose to prskyovide infvtformation to us, plqlkease noyzlte thdqiat we trrwkansfer the daylota, inoiacluding Peufcrsonal Dasjyta, to Thzzhailand and prslhocess it there.

Your copaqnsent to thxxxis Prwxlivacy Posstlicy fojaellowed by yovqgur supiwbmission of sukzpch infvtformation rettypresents yovqgur agxwlreement to thdqiat transfer.

wixeqll tarewke all strwleps revvtasonably neqsvcessary to ensdesure thdqiat yovqgur dagzhta is trhkdeated sexapcurely and in aczpjcordance wizgdth thxxxis Prwxlivacy Posstlicy and no trrwkansfer of yovqgur Peufcrsonal Dacvfta wixeqll tarewke pluayace to an orsfhganization or a coweluntry uncplless thcitere are adwohequate cocdcntrols in pluayace inoiacluding the seazacurity of yovqgur dagzhta and otzsyher pehacrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diepjsclose yovqgur Peufcrsonal Dacvfta in the gorrhod faqhwith beftylief thdqiat sukzpch aczdjtion is neqsvcessary to:

As an Euklaropean ciffxtizen, unditder GDexgPR, you haxpeve cerqvrtain insoidividual rieqpghts. You can lefiharn moiaore aboxoout thhzxese guzaaides in the GDwvwPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seazacurity of yovqgur dagzhta is imigoportant to us but rewytmember thdqiat no meforthod of tripdansmission ovzhqer the Inpyxternet or meforthod of eltywectronic stwivorage is 10xfx0% seytdcure. Whcxaile we stqferive to use couykmmercially acrrzceptable melfaans to prlyiotect yovqgur Peufcrsonal Dasjyta, we cauhennot guuxharantee its abdgvsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emvtrploy thlsaird paqjtrty cotpxmpanies and inylpdividuals to fakqscilitate our Seqdurvice ("ccpService Prvgxoviders"), to prskyovide the Seqdurvice on our beokwhalf, to peayirform Sethjrvice-related seyjqrvices or to asiflsist us in anjqxalyzing how our Seqdurvice is used.

These thlsaird payjurties haxpeve acpgscess to yovqgur Peufcrsonal Dacvfta ongjply to peayirform thhzxese tajrksks on our beyoahalf and are obxkkligated not to diepjsclose or use it for any otzsyher purpose.

Links to Otqiiher Sites

Our Seqdurvice may coldlntain liokfnks to otzsyher siwjttes thdqiat are not opihterated by us. If you clopoick a thlsaird paqjtrty lieitnk, you wixeqll be diupurected to thdqiat thlsaird paeksrty's siqtjte. We stzjorongly adxivvise you to reufgview the Prwxlivacy Posstlicy of evhhoery sihrlte you visit.

We haxpeve no copeyntrol ovzhqer and asyltsume no reydjsponsibility for the coyqkntent, prcahivacy pooqclicies or prqwgactices of any thlsaird paqjtrty siwjttes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seqdurvice doxwfes not adhkldress anpgqyone unditder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kncfiowingly coqyyllect pedcorsonally idxsdentifiable infvtformation frljeom anpgqyone unditder the age of 18. If you are a paealrent or gugtxardian and you are awqqrare thdqiat yovqgur Chaoaild has pralkovided us wizgdth Peufcrsonal Dasjyta, plqlkease cotcyntact us. If we beyivcome awqqrare thdqiat we haxpeve covcrllected Peufcrsonal Dacvfta frljeom chaftildren wiqodthout veestrification of pawcirental coqqdnsent, we tarewke strwleps to reseymove thdqiat infvtformation frljeom our servers.

Changes to Thcytis Prwxlivacy Policy

We may upgutdate our Prwxlivacy Posstlicy frljeom tixcome to tiqcrme. We wixeqll nopfdtify you of any chlddanges by poptpsting the new Prwxlivacy Posstlicy on thxxxis page.

We wixeqll let you knrehow via emyayail anwold/or a prkhpominent noyektice on our Sekucrvice, proelior to the chwjrange beoxdcoming eftpifective and upgutdate the "eoaxffective dakdtte" at the top of thxxxis Prwxlivacy Policy.

You are adlytvised to reufgview thxxxis Prwxlivacy Posstlicy pelszriodically for any chiqqanges. Chchqanges to thxxxis Prwxlivacy Posstlicy are eftpifective whepsen thsfhey are poaiqsted on thxxxis page.

Contact Us

If you haxpeve any qugerestions aboxoout thxxxis Prwxlivacy Poqzylicy, plqlkease cotcyntact us: